Brothers EMpowered
Health and Wellness
Connect with Us
Number: 612-235-1957
121 Washington Ave N. Minneapolis, MN 55401
Health and Wellness:
Support groups to help members and community members with stress management, crisis reduction, grief, and coping with trauma, through mental conditioning and social support. In addition to mental health, we also believe nutrition and physical activities are great ways to increase overall health.
ManPower Support Group:
ManPower is a support group for black men to help with crises and trauma that they may be facing. We speak about the issues and find solutions and then execute the solutions.
EMpowerment Training:
EMpowerment trainings are groups to help members and community members learn how to deal with trauma, grief and a life's ups and downs. Utilizing mental conditioning and spirituality help to enhance day to day life.
Fit 4 EMpowerment:
Providing access to a fitness center for our members, community members and community partners. Along with group activities that promote fitness and keep youth and families active.